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  1. Almeida, J. G., Santos, E., Albuquerque, C. P., & Ferreira, J. A. (2013). Desemprego e Empreendedorismo: da ambiguidade da relação conceitual à eficácia das práticas de intervenção social. Plural - Revista de Ciências Sociais, v.20.1, 31-56.

  2. Baptista, R., Zamora, M. H., & Santos, E. (2019). Foster care and reintegration: Different Portuguese Similarities. International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 6(8), 38-44.

  3. Belo, P., Leitão, J. P., & Santos, E. (2012). Stress vulnerability and coping strategies among academic students. Psychology & Health, 27 (Supplement 1), 156.

  4. Bullón, F. F., del Barco, B. L., Castaño, E. F., & Santos, E. (2012). Salud mental en el grupo de edad 4-15 años a partir de los resultados de la Encuesta Nacional de Salud 2006. Revista Española de Salud Pública, 86, 445-451.

  5. Bullón, F. F., del Barco, B. L., Castaño, E. F., del Río, M. I. P., & Santos, E. (2015). Salud mental en menores españoles. Variables socioeducativas. Salud Mental, Vol. 38, nº 5, 329-335.

  6. Bullón, F. F., Rasskin-Gutman, I, Castaño, E. F., Santos, E., & del Barco, B. L. (2017). Analysis of predictive factors on minor’s mental health according to the Spanish National Health Survey. Brain Sciences, 7, 135-142.

  7. Duffy, R. D., Allan, B. A., England; J. W., Blustein, D. L., Autin, K. L. Douglass, R. P., Ferreira, J. A., & Santos, E. (2017). The development and initial validation of the Decent Work Scale. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 64 (2), 206-221.

  8. Falcão, P. F., Saraiva, M., Santos, E., & Cunha, M. P. (2018). Big Five personality traits in simulated negotiation settings. EuroMed Journal of Business, 13 (2), 201-213.

  9. Fajardo-Bullón, F., Rasskin-Gutman, I., León-del-Barco, B., Santos, E., & Gallego, D. I. (2019). International and Spanish Findings in Scientific Literature about Minor’s Mental Health: Predictive Factors Using the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 16(9), 1603.

  10. Ferreira, J. A., Haase, R. F., Santos, E., Rabaça. J.A., Figueiredo, L., Hemami, H, G., & Almeida, L. M. (2019). Decent work in Portugal: Context, conceptualization and assesment. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 112, 77-91.

  11. Ferreira, J. A., Reitzle, M., Lee, B., Freitas R. A., Santos, E., Alcoforado, L., & Vondracek, F. W. (2015).  Configurations of unemployment, reemployment, and psychological well-being: A longitudinal study of unemployed individuals in Portugal. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 91, 54-64.

  12. Ferreira, J. A., Santos, E., Fonseca, A. C., & Haase, R. F. (2007). Early Predictors of Career Development: A Ten-Year Follow-Up Study. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 70, 61-77.

  13. Gaspar, J. P., Alcoforado, J., & Santos, E. (2015). Respostas educativas para menores em risco: estudo de caso duplo da institucionalização em lares de infância e juventude. Polêm!ca, Vol. 15, nº 1, 1-20.

  14. Gaspar, J. P., Alcoforado, J., & Santos, E. (2015). Vinculação e autonomização em Lares de Infância e Juventude em Portugal: as opiniões dos técnicos sobre a percepção de adultos ex-institucionalizados. Educação, Ciência e Saúde, v.2, n.1, 1-21.

  15. Gaspar, J. P., Santos, E., & Alcoforado, J. (2015). Os desafios da autonomização: estudo compreensivo dos processos de transição para diferentes contextos de vida, na perspetiva de adultos e jovens adultos ex-institucionalizados. Psicologia Clínica, vol. 27, nº1, 59-81.

  16. Haase, R. F., Ferreira, J. A., Fernandes, R. I, Santos, E., & LaRae, M. J. (2016). Development and Validation of a Revised Measure of Individual Capacities for Tolerating Information Overload in Occupational Settings. Journal of Career Assessment, 24 (1), 130-144.

  17. Haase, R. F., Ferreira, J. A., Santos, E., Aguyao, G. M., & Fallon, M. A. (2008). Scaling the Information Load of Occupations: Preliminary Findings of the Fit between Individual Capacities and Environmental Demands. Journal of Career Assessment, 16, 156-176.

  18. Haase, R. F., LaRae, M. J., Ferreira, J. A., Santos, E., Connacher, C. C., & Sendrowitz, K. (2011). Scaling the information processing demands of occupations. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 79, 403-413.

  19. Haase, R. F., LaRae, M. J., Ferreira, J. A., Santos, E., Connacher, C. C., & Sendrowitz, K. (2014). Differences in Capacity for Tolerating Information Overload are related to Culture and Temperament. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 45, 728-745.

  20. Junior, J. S., & Santos, E. (2013). A construção da identidade acadêmica, na perspectiva da gestão educacional das parcerias (cursos-alunos). UNISANTA Law and Social Science, Vol. 2, nº 1, 67-79.

  21. Junior, J. S., Santos, E., & Zenone, L. C. (2015). A contribuição dos instrumentos de gestão na sustentabilidade das Instituições de Ensino Superior. UNISANTA Law and Social Science, Vol. 4, nº 1, 1-6.

  22. Leitão, J. P., & Santos, E. (2008). Association between expectations and perceived stress in university students: Preliminary data of a Portuguese sample. Psychology & Health, 23, (Supplement 1), 167.

  23. Leitão, J. P., Belo, P., & Santos, E. (2012). Gender impact on stress vulnerability and problem solving strategies on academic students. Psychology & Health, 27 (Supplement 1), 261.

  24. Medeiros, L. M. V., Santos, E., & Ribas, V. R. (in press). Early maladaptive schemas of women who are victims of domestic violence in Pernambuco/Brazil. Neurobiologia, vol. 77 (1-2).

  25. Medeiros, L. M. V., Santos, E., & Ribas, V. R. (in press). Life quality of women that were victims of lethal and intentional crimes in 2006-2009 period. Neurobiologia, vol. 77 (1-2).

  26. Medeiros, L. M. V., Santos, E., & Ribas, V. R. (in press). Violence against women: (Re)learning new paradigms. Neurobiologia, vol. 77 (1-2).

  27. Oliveira, A. M., Fonseca, I. B., Cardoso, F. M., Teixeira, M., & Santos, E. J. R. (2003). Event-related brain potentials within an extended
    affective/evaluative oddball paradigm. Journal of Psychophysiology, 17 (2),109.

  28. Oliveira, A., Fonseca, I., Teixeira, M., & Santos, E. (2005). Oddball versus
    free-context ERP paradigms in evaluative tasks: common findings and paradigm-dependent effects. Psychophysiology, Vol. 42, S97.

  29. Santos, E. (2014). A revelação do problema da exterioridade em José Saramago: ensaio sobre O Homem Duplicado. Polêm!ca, Vol. 13, nº 3, 1449-1461.

  30. Santos, E., & Ferreira, J. A. (1998). Career Counseling and Vocational Psychology in Portugal: A Political Perspective. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 52, 312-322.

  31. Santos, E., Ferreira, J. A., & Chaves, A. (2001). Implications of Sociopolitical Context for Career Service Delivery. The Career Development Quarterly, 50, 45-55.

  32. Santos, P., Leitão, J. P., & Santos, E. (2009). Academic experience and depression on students of the University of Coimbra. Health Psychology Review, 24, (Supplement 1), 351.

  33. Santos, P., Leitão, J. P., Santos, E., David, R., & Figueiredo, C. (2010). Are depression levels related to the personal expectations of graduate students? Psychology & Health, 25 (Supplement 1), 325.

  34. Teixeira, C., Santos, E., & Abreu, M.V. (2014). Psychiatric rehabilitation and social inclusion of people with mental illness: a Portuguese experience and a critical analysis of current barriers. International Journal of Culture and Mental Health, 7 (4), 426-438.

  35. Teixeira, C., Santos, E., Abreu, M.V., & Rogers, S. (2015). Psychiatric Rehabilitation in Portugal: A national survey. Psychiatric Rehabilitation Journal, Vol. 38, 3, 263-267.

  36. Vondracek, F. W., Ferreira, J. A., & Santos, E. (2010). Vocational Behavior and Development in Times of Social Change: New Perspectives for Theory, Research, and Practice. International Journal for Educational and Vocational Guidance, 10, 125-138.

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